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Why Coach?: Welcome
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Why Coach?: Services
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  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Conflict management

  • Engagement and collaboration with people in your personal and professional lives

  • Rapport with others, more positive and healthier interaction

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  • Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-trust, self-reliance

  • Creativity, optimism, resilience

  • Accountability and responsibility for actions and goals

  • Harmony, contentment and balance  

  • Connection and healthier communication with self and others

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  • Limiting thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours

  • Procrastination, inertia and immobilisation

  • Uncertainty, self-doubt, self-defeating behaviours

  • Anger, frustration, resentment, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety

  • Conflict, disengagement, isolation

  • Fear of change, confrontation and "failure"

Why Coach?: Testimonials


Get in touch to chat with me, book a consultation or simply leave a message about anything else and I’ll get back to you.

Thanks for submitting!

Why Coach?: Contact
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