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Client Stories: Welcome


"My journey with Janine began as I sought advice on how to improve my relationship with my teenage sons to minimise angst and confrontation in our house.

"However, over the course of two years, that journey has transformed into a path of discovery, that has had a significant and fundamental  impact on all parts of my life.

"Through Janine's probing questions, non-judgmental attitude and loving openness, I come out of most sessions with an epiphany that is a cause of celebration, as I become aware of my frames of references, my fears and my ultimate goals.

"I am learning to tune in to me and to become aware of the impact this has on relationships and the overall wellness of my life.

"In particular, I am trying to find the space to not react in a situation, whereas before I would respond with the intent of alleviating a situation but paradoxically the opposite would occur.

"Now when I watch and do nothing, the negative tension and energy dissipates faster and I am much calmer.

"I have a long way to go but I am so grateful that I've started this journey and that Janine is my guiding hand."

Client Stories: About


"I have recently finished my first set of sessions with Janine and one of the more obvious outcomes is that I have a much higher level of integration and harmony within myself and my work and relationships. 

"I have noticed that there is a lot more clarity around my relationships especially in terms of my boundaries, standards and freedom from shame. 

"The coaching sessions with Janine are informal and warm. Janine is very open and present and able to skilfully guide the conversation towards getting the best results. I feel that there is a lot of love within her for people and humanity in general and this combined with her specialised skillset creates an atmosphere conducive to working on ones issues.

"I approached Janine with the intention of working on my anxiety issues initially which we made incredible progress on in terms of discovering the origins of it and what I used it for. This was empowering and freeing and led to many other things being uncovered. I came away from these sessions with a greater understanding of myself and a deeper peace of mind and heart. 

"Working with Janine has been invaluable for me as it has helped me to evolve and have lasting change." 

Client Stories: About


[Georgina was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and has been on doing E.M.B.R.A.C.E My Diagnosis for three months.]

"I'd like to thank Janine for her committed coaching. I have a ton of respect for her work and I'm amazed at what she has to offer.

“I experienced a dark side when I was going through my illness. It was a painful period of my life and I had a hesitancy to talk about it.

“Janine helped me to overcome one of my biggest fears - that my illness would return. She challenged me and encouraged me. As we did more coaching lots of emotions were uncovered. Janine helped me realise how I was looking at my situation - it's all about reframing. In other words,  people can interpret any situation differently.

“Every session, I have a breakthrough. There have been some great takeaways like dedicating time every day to myself and reflecting on 
my days. Janine helped me realise I’d been like Speedy Gonzales, a cartoon character, ‘the fastest little mouse in Mexico’. I've been like him most of my life, even before my illness, rushing around trying to do everything all the time.

“Working with Janine, I’m realising to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life at 90%, and ‘let go and let God’.

“Every day, I do something to reward myself eg sit in the sun, take note of the flowers in my garden.

"I really appreciate Janine's coaching and her dedication for me to have my breakthrough.”

Client Stories: About


"My time with Janine over the last five months has been immensely invaluable.

"I went into the sessions with one conception of 'leadership coaching' and it opened the door to a different dimension for me.

"It has hugely widened my perspective and transformed my way of operating. It has helped me to let go, be with oneself, myself, and helped me to look into the mirror like never before.

"It certainly hasn't been a walk in the park, but it has absolutely been worthwhile. It has also radiated to my inner circle, helping to uplift and inspire others to courageously be authentic as well.

"I am so grateful to Janine for her ability to hold up the mirror, allowing spaciousness for growth and for guiding and leading spiritual transformation."

Client Stories: About


"Working with Janine has been great! As an executive leader, managing conflict is commonplace. Coaching with Janine unlocked new approaches to resolution and improved my relationships.

“Talking through and being challenged on assumptions I was making gave me more clarity.”

Client Stories: About


Coaching with Janine is very organic. She was very natural in helping me to work on my areas of improvement without making me feel pressured. I left our sessions with enough ‘brain food’ to face old issues with a new breath. I will always be thankful for how much Janine’s coaching helped me find my real self.

Client Stories: About


Janine has a style that’s challenging and confronting (in a constructive way!). You can’t run away from yourself – you need to confront. Janine doesn’t accept any BS and sees through what you’re saying to get to the truth of your struggle.

Client Stories: About


I’ve gained so much insight into myself and how I operate. I didn’t realise how much my ‘problems’ were created by my own patterns. Coaching with Janine has helped me to release so much that I didn’t know I was holding on to. The impacts on me, my life, my family, my relationships, my work and my inner being have been profound.

Client Stories: About


Coaching with Janine was very valuable. She has a calm and centered approach and made me feel comfortable about the process straight away. Through the sessions I gained insight into the triggers/behaviours/thought patterns which were keeping me from reaching a certain goal. We then established the right motivations for my desired outcomes. This made all the difference in the way I still now think about this goal and find it much easier to stick to my action plan. Thanks, Janine!

Client Stories: About


It's opened new ways of approaching the world around me and enabled me to be more aware of my responses and reactions. The effect has been to lower the amount of stress I feel in everyday life.

Client Stories: About


Janine is a wonderful coach. Her style is both challenging and empathetic. Janine helped me to explore issues that were challenging and facilitate the change I needed to make in the way I saw the situations and felt about them so that I was able to move ahead and overcome those challenges. She held the space for me to explore the situations that faced me and reframe them so I was able to go ahead and achieve my goals. She is a highly talented coach and I would be happy to recommend her.

Client Stories: About


Get in touch to chat with me, book a consultation or simply leave a message about anything else and I’ll get back to you.

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Client Stories: Contact
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